Today organizations operate in a highly dynamic business environment characterized by constant change; thus in need of constant adjustment and evolution. Globalization has brought diverse markets and acting participants ever closer together and has altered the rules of business dramatically. Competitive Advantage is only of temporary value and needs to be assessed and fortified on a continuous basis. This not only applies to a firm’s products and services in its quest to meet ever-increasing customer demands, but also to the organization itself and to its core business strategy.

In order to achieve their business objectives, companies need to be flexible and capable of adapting to change proactively; and they must outpace the competition in the process.

Change Management is a systematic and multidisciplinary approach that deals with change at all levels of an organization; from senior management down to the most junior employee, encompassing each and every individual. Typically, the process entails implementing changes that are applied to organizational structures, strategies, technologies or processes in order to meet demands of evolving markets, with the goal of moving organizations to the next level of performance. Only the organization that anticipates change as it occurs within its external as well as internal environments, and proactively adapts to it will be able to secure long term success for its stakeholders.

Adlaurus Management Consulting


adlaurus - management consulting
address richard wagner platz 13/11
1160 vienna - austria


phone +43 680 311 4301
fax +43 820 220 269 175


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