DSC00658.JPGKarolina Jutkiewicz-Zoeschg, a Senior Partner at adlaurus - management consulting brings over 12 years of professional experience in a cross-functional international business environment. She has extensive expertise in the area of international business development, strategic planning and sales gained over the years in publicly traded and privately held global organizations.

Throughout her career, she has developed exceptional strategic instincts and analytical skills and demonstrates a consistent record of success in all of her assigned roles. Her professional experience in diverse industries across many regions of the world (North America, Europe including CEE countries and Asia) has afforded her an acute understanding of multi-functional business applications in a global environment.

Some highlights of Karolina’s expertise and experience include:

  • Development of business and marketing plans for long term contracts in regions of North America, Europe, Asia Pacific and Latin America;
  • Opportunity assessments and market entry strategies;
  • Extensive market intelligence and competitive analysis;
  • Proposal developments and contract negotiations for government sponsored and private held procurements;
  • Leadership position in the corporate consulting project for major pharmaceutical company to develop marketing strategies and new business opportunities in North America and Europe;
  • Building long-term strategic alliances and partnerships.

With a Polish background, an American upbringing and living experience around the world, Karolina has a deep understanding of multi-cultural diversity and communication. In addition, her professional athletic experience has given her a unique competitive drive that is invaluable in the business environment and has provided her with exceptional organizational and motivational skills.

Karolina holds a MBA degree from Thunderbird School of Global Management in Phoenix, AZ, and BA degree in Language and International Trade from Clemson University in Clemson SC, where she received a merit-based full athletic scholarship in tennis. Aside from tennis, which still plays a major role in her life, she is a fervent skier, practices yoga and discovers golf in her free time.


Thunderbird School of Global Management


Adlaurus Management Consulting


adlaurus - management consulting
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e-mail office@adlaurus.com
web www.adlaurus.com


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