We offer support in any aspect of Product Management; from finding the optimal implementation strategy for your venture, or the analysis and optimization of your current Product Management structures and processes, to helping you to establish Product Management as a discipline in your organization.

In a typical project, we would start with a 'kick-off' event to help us understand the strategic vision and objectives of your business. What do you want to achieve? Where do you want to be in the mid and long term?

Based on the findings of our preliminary discussions, we will assess the fit between the external environment (your customers, suppliers and partners) and your internal structures and processes as they relate to your responsiveness to competitive pressure, market shifts and customer demands; with the ultimate objective of bringing your products and services into alignment with your business objectives. This analytical exercise helps us to provide you with recommendations and solutions customized to your unique situation.

The following is a list of our services, although we encourage you to contact us for a detailed analysis of your specific needs.

  • Implementation and/or optimization of the Product Management
  • Process definition, optimization and implementation (Product Life Cycle, Product Innovation/Development and related processes)
  • Product portfolio analysis
  • Competitive analysis
  • Market analysis
  • Product strategy (establishment and implementation support)
  • Training & Seminars (see section on Coaching & Training)
Adlaurus Management Consulting


adlaurus - management consulting
address richard wagner platz 13/11
1160 vienna - austria


phone +43 680 311 4301
fax +43 820 220 269 175
e-mail office@adlaurus.com
web www.adlaurus.com


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