Innovation Management, in our view, is of strategic importance for any enterprise that strives for sustainable success by remaining competitive and consistently exceeding customers’ expectations. We offer a wide range of solutions, and take a 'whole-enterprise' approach to Innovation Management, as every level of an organization is affected.


We believe that in addition to structure, processes, tools and methods, innovation requires a culture that motivates and shares values and beliefs among individuals, teams and the organization. Understanding the means and methods for motivating creativity is crucial to this process.


In our view, leaders must create an environment conducive to creative thinking for their employees, aligned with an incentive program to reward such behavior. This requires a systematic process that deliberately and continually delivers a steady pipeline of profitable innovations to the marketplace.


This of course entails a certain degree of calculative risk taking on every level of organizational hierarchy; but in our view, is vital to the Innovation Management process.

Adlaurus Management Consulting


adlaurus - management consulting
address richard wagner platz 13/11
1160 vienna - austria


phone +43 680 311 4301
fax +43 820 220 269 175


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